Some people find those small brown and red spots on your skin called as freckles attractive and cute. This also became the beauty trend in many parts of Asia. But, not everybody adores getting freckles on their skin. Actually, those small spots on the face are sign of the skin damage you have got from a lot of sun exposure! Suppose you are those people who are looking for ways to get rid of the freckles, then you are in some luck! There are many amazing laser freckle removal HK treatments that will remove your freckles totally. Let is look at some best freckle removal methods that can definitely help you to get perfect and clear skin.

What Are the Causes of Freckles? 

Freckles generally result from the exposure of UV B radiation. These may appear on any part of the body, however, it is quite common on face and arms. The exposure to sun triggers production of the melanin, which causes dark pigment on the skin. The dark pigments absorb sun’s light and prevent any kind of skin damage. But, too much of exposure to the sunlight causes build-up of the pigment. Therefore, creating the brown and red spot known as freckles. Whenever you avoid a lot of sun exposure, the freckles can fade with time, so for that it is important you look for proper skin care treatment HK.

Laser Freckle Removal Process

How Can Freckles Be Removed? 

There are many different ways to remove the freckles on your face. However, below are some top freckle removal methods.

Use Sunscreen

Generally, sunscreen will not help you to get rid of the freckles. However, it can help you to prevent getting the new ones. Sunscreen must be worn even though it is not very sunny. Even though it is cloudy, your skin still gets exposed to the UV radiation. Always apply sunscreen for 15 minutes before you go outside. The sunscreen must have the SPF of 30 and higher.

Using Freckle Removal Creams

The topical creams will help you remove the freckles on the skin. The creams have got hydroquinone & vitamin A compounds. And both the ingredients help to suppress the melanin production as well as lighten your skin freckles. But, some freckle creams might cause the skin a few side effects like:

  • Dryness
  • Inflammation
  • Burning
  • Blistering
  • Redness
  • Skin irritation
  • Sensitivity
  • Peeling
  • Try Natural Remedies

Making use of the natural remedies such as apple, lemon, honey, and more, will not harm you when it is used in proper moderation. Even though none of them are proven yet, many people swear these remedies are quite effective. Suppose you experience any kind of skin irritations, stop making use of any remedy immediately.